
Monday, February 6, 2023

Wearing their warmest winter garb, graduate students from UNH and the University of Maine, along with three UNH faculty members, 勇敢地面对费尔班克斯中心的极度寒冷和永恒的黑暗, 学习如何测量土壤结霜的深度——这是密切关注气候变化影响的关键测量方法, 对北极社区的影响不成比例.

The workshop was part of the UNH J-term course, Arctic Research Methods II, 该项目探索了学生与当地和土著社区伙伴合作使用各种测量和监测技术的方法. Alix Contosta, research assistant professor in the UNH Earth Systems Research Center他指出,该课程强调互惠研究,以使北极系统的科学非殖民化.

Contosta, who helped develop the workshop, explains, “We make similar measurements in New Hampshire, but the permafrost in Alaska offers unique challenges, 比如必须安装至少三米深的管道,才能探测到活动层在不同季节的深度变化.”

研讨会和课程是研究生课程的一部分 CARPE National Research Traineeship, which is funded by the National Science Foundation.